Alig fel oraja lett vege az Accounting vizsganak. Random adatokbol kellett Balance Sheetet osszerakni (14 pont), voltak definiciok (22 pont) es Profit & Loss Account valamint Depreciation (Sum of Digits es Reducing Balance Rate modszerekkel) es Stock (Weighted Avarage Cost) (14 pont).Az utolso…
2010.01.13. 11:49 Lodovik Trema
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Címkék: egyetem
2010.01.11. 12:24 Lodovik Trema
Eletem elso angolul irt, de nem az angol nyelvi tudast tesztelo vizsgajat megirtam. A targy: Principles of Business Management. 8 temakor kerdeseibol kellett kettot megirni. En a napokban 5 temakorre mentem ra, es talaltam is ket konnyu kerdest:1. Describe and discuss the purpose of formal…
2 komment
Címkék: egyetem
72 hours to go
2009.11.28. 19:26 Lodovik Trema
Structure of Assignment (2500 words) Introduction (structure of assignment)Brief introduction to Orange (Its history briefly since they entered UK market, current position, etc)External Marketing Environment Analysis Socio-Cultural (Changing patterns)Economic (Economy's situation and…
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Címkék: egyetem
Háromból három
2009.02.12. 22:39 Lodovik Trema
Dear Mr SutoCongratulations; Cardiff University has asked us to tell you that it is offering you a place for Business Management, N201; starting in September 2009 at point of entry 1.----------------A dolog kezd érdekessé válni. A jelentkezés alatt még azon aggódtam, hogy nem fognak sehova…
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Címkék: egyetem
Ide is felvettek (Kettobol ketto eddig)
2009.01.31. 15:01 Lodovik Trema
Dear Mr Suto Congratulations; University of Westminster has asked us to tell you that it is offering you a place for Business Management (Business Economics), NL21; starting in October 2009 at point of entry 1.
1 komment
Címkék: egyetem london
2009.01.29. 12:28 Lodovik Trema
Dear Mr SutoCongratulations; Royal Holloway, University of London has asked us to tell you that it is offering you a place for Management with International Business, N2N1; starting in September 2009 at point of entry 1.
5 komment
Címkék: egyetem london
2009.01.16. 00:23 Lodovik Trema
Cardiff UniversityBusiness Management with a European Language (4 years)The University of EdinburghBusiness Studies and EconomicsRoyal Holloway, University of LondonManagement with International BusinessUniversity College London (University of London)Economics and Business with East European…
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Címkék: egyetem london

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