Lodovik Flies

að djamma - izlandi ige, jelentése: tervek és komolyabb elvárások nélkül nézni szembe a jövövel, a döntéseket az aktuális széljárás alapján meghozni







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Friss topikok

  • olimpiam: 5 éve abbamaradt az írás, olvastam volna tovább:)) (2016.03.30. 14:24) Dikta
  • oranje: Gratulálok a vizsgaeredményeidhez, azért egy félév tanulás Amsterdamban-ha lehet választani azt- n... (2010.08.04. 10:50) Az elmúlt hat hét története
  • kx: árbájt máhc frej? feelgood. (2010.05.16. 21:53) Vasarnap este
  • Duffman: :D (2010.05.11. 22:06) Chill. I got this.
  • Pietro Stracchi: Fasza lehet. Én is mennék. Mindenesetre végre leég rólad az a rettenetes fókazsír. ;) (2010.04.23. 23:32) A sportrol


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2011.03.06. 02:31 Lodovik Trema

Megint egy izlandi banda.

breaking the waves
freeing the slaves
killing the government
still in their caves

the governor's son
with daddy's new gun
come out and play
let's have some fun

if they break all the rules
and they ruin the schools
how will they know
which ones are the fools?

just swallow the pill
and with every new fill
you'll feel an urge
they can't fulfill

this time around i'm staying for the show
i'm tired of the fact, that you don't want to know
well, get used to the fact, that i'm not gonna go
this time around i'm staying for the show

so how does it feel
to have your own seal
and all those sad stories
you have to conceal

you wouldn't believe
what we could achieve
if you weren't blind
and so naive

just open your eyes
and say your goodbyes
nobody wants you
and your god damned lies

just swallow the pill
and with every new fill
you'll feel an urge
they can't fulfill

hide it in your cheek and smile at the guards
wait, then spit it out
please listen to the sound of silence
in your mind

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olimpiam 2016.03.30. 14:24:53

5 éve abbamaradt az írás, olvastam volna tovább:))
süti beállítások módosítása